We’ve been making serious waves.

November 28, 2024

Picture of protest for just housing in Spain

By WeMove Europe

Our community has been making serious waves across Europe recently.

Together, we've pushed politicians, challenged corporations, and proven that when ordinary people unite, real change happens. Just take a quick look:

🏘️ Cutting through the noise for housing justice

We had to do something a little different to cut through the noise on housing. We collected audio recordings of WeMove members’ personal stories, and thousands of you shared them on social media directly with the new EU Commissioner [1].

Meanwhile, in Spain, we teamed up with others and mobilised our community to one of the biggest housing demonstrations in the country’s history - 120,000 people took to the streets in Barcelona alone.

And the new Commissioner must’ve heard us loud and clear because in the middle of it all he followed us on Instagram, and then pledged to put people’s needs first on housing in his new role. It’s a good start - next, we’re inviting him to hear people’s concerns first-hand in an online video call.

💪 Challenging Big Meat and Dairy

Over 1,400 members of our community sent emails to Members of the European Parliament (MEP) to pressure the next EU Commissioner to put our health first over the profits of big meat and dairy corporations. Together, we raised funds for eye-catching ads on key websites we know EU politicians read, and teamed up with online influencers to pressure them from all sides. [2] The result? We caught the attention of key MEPS who grilled the new Commissioner with our community’s demands, and he committed to a more sustainable vision in his big interview to get the job. Now, together we just have to make sure he keeps his promises.

We’ve been making serious waves. Big meat.png

💰 Taxing the Super Rich: A Global Breakthrough

At this year’s G20 summit, world leaders were set to discuss a groundbreaking proposal to tax the super rich. We just needed to pile on the pressure for them to go through with it. So, hundreds of you called out your leaders directly, tagging them on our social media video.

We’ve been making serious waves. Taxing the rich.jpg

And it just might be the extra push they needed, because the plan passed! It’s a huge commitment, but our community won’t rest until they follow through on it and deliver real change for people on income inequality.

Step by step, one achievement at a time, we’re making a fairer, better, more sustainable Europe.

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