Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
To the rescue of Polish wind energy!
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Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
For New Fundamental Rights in Europe
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272,632 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
End forced sterilisation in the EU now!
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Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Support the Rescue Bill: depenalise abortions in Poland
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33,461 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Save the Baltic harbour porpoise
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123,760 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
The EU must not become a lawless zone!
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6,238 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Stop Rio Tinto’s mine destroying Serbia’s nature!
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223,397 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Let's save the Carpathians, their forests and their rivers!
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Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Help us Create the First Hope Spot in Iceland
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Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Let's stop Climate-killers from paralysing the European Commission!
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15,252 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Respect the Citizens’ Will: Abolish the National Veto!
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Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Make October 3rd the European Day of Memory and Welcome!
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12,096 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
A hotline for hate crimes against Asians in Europe
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1,810 signatures
Set up by Friends of the Earth Europe and others
Reconsider EU's policies towards Russia
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2,378 signatures